Générateur d'options pour ChoiceField

Ce script construit une liste de choix, en respectant la syntaxe
attendue par Django pour ses ChoiceField. Il ne reste plus qu'à

#! env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" cfcg: Choice Field Choices Generator.
    Generate tuple style choices list like django required
    The key is the index of the value in the list
import sys

def print_usage(*args, **kwargs):
    """ Print usages of the cfcg command """
    if not kwargs.get('ask_keys', False):
        print """usage: cfcg [-q] choice [choice choice ...]

        -q/--ask: Ask the key for each choices
        -h/--help: Print this usage
        print """usage: gen_choices_list -q choice [choice choice ...]

        -q/--ask: Ask the key for each choices
        -h/--help: Print this usage
    print "cfcg: Choice Field Choices Generator\n"

def parse_args(args, **kwargs):
    """ Parse arguments and return options and args """
    opts = {
        'help': False,
        'ask_keys': False
    if "-h" in args:
        opts['help'] = True
    if "--help" in args:
        opts['help'] = True
    if '-q' in args:
        opts['ask_keys'] = True
    if '--ask' in args:
        opts['ask_keys'] = True
    return args, opts

class TooFewArgumentException(Exception):
    """ Particular Exception for the script """
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(TooFewArgumentException, self).__init__('Error: Too few arguments')

def get_tuple(args, **kwargs):
    """ Construct the tuple from the args.
        Ask for key if needed
    if not args:
        raise TooFewArgumentException()
    if kwargs.get('ask_keys', False):
        print 'Give the key for each options'
        return tuple((raw_input('%s: ' % w), w) for w in args)
    return tuple((i, w) for i,w in enumerate(args))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args, opts = parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
        if opts['help']:
            print get_tuple(args, **opts)
    except TooFewArgumentException as e:

L'utilisation est on ne peut plus simple :

$ cfcg Online Offline Invisible
((0, 'Online'), (1, 'Offline'), (2, 'Away'), (3, 'Busy'), (4, 'Invisble'))

Vous copier ça en tant qu'options de votre ChoiceField (à supposer qu'il
prenne bien un int en valeur) et ça roule !

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